6th November, 7pm, Dom omladine

PAROL! writing and art beyond walls, beyond borders – EXHIBITION!!!

PAROL! is EU project that gethers together 5 countries, 13 prisons and dosens of artist into creative exchange proceses.
As a result of this two year collaboration we proud to announce
exhibition opening on 6th of November, 7pm, Dom omladine

with promotion of the book:

PRISON FOR BEGINERS – ilustrated vocabulary of prison slang

more about the project find on the link projects – PAROL!



NEW Trailer for the RECYCLED DREAMS, shadow theatre performance
watch it here


In September 2011, ApsArt
established The Community Theatre!
The Community Theatre is a place
where citizens can make their own theatre and tell their own stories!
This is a gathering place, a
place for expression, creativity, solidarity and creation.
There are programs for children,
young an old, unemployed, rejected, ill…
Workshops are free!
The Community Theatre is in Narodnih
heroja, number 30, 2nd floor, New Belgrade.
People of New Belgrade, wake up –
the game begins, the big dorm becomes the big playground!


More information:
For more details on The Community
Theatre visit our Facebook group – ApsArt – Pozoriste zajednice

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“People go to the theatre to see the rules of society broken. People go to theatre workshops to break them themselves.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“ Chris Johnston (\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“House of Games\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“) 

The Centre for Theatre Research ApsArt was founded in 2004 with the purpose of developing the applied theatre practice and promoting the idea of a theatre as a personal and social development tool.

The objective of ApsArt is not a theatre game the result of which is art but rather change. We want a theatre that is free of industry, marketing, repertoire, technical equipment, buildings… and people liberated from fear, inabilities and any kind of oppression. Our mission is not to bring people to theatre, but theatre to people.

The theatre and the audience alike are common victims of the modern society that reduces the play to a mere product and the audience to a target group. The ancient unity between a performer and a spectator has been permanently disrupted. The theatre, like a man himself, starts its life with playing a game, and brings misery upon itself the moment it forgets to play, to explore. Thus, we play!  We play in prisons, schools, streets, parks, clinics, and kindergartens – wherever there is life. And we do not play FOR the audience but WITH them.

Director Aleksandra Jelić is the founder and president of ApsArt.